Host Rishi

Host Rishi at Your Studio or Event


Host Your Own Rishi-led; Trainings, Workshops, or Event Talks


In an effort to expand the knowledge of Mindset & Marketing for Healing Spaces, Practitioners & Teachers, Yoga, Therapy, & Ayurveda practices. Rishi performs on-site; trainings, workshops, and event talks for healing centers and yoga studios. Combining his knowledge of 3D-world marketing, mindset developement, with spiritualty, yoga with a passion for Ayurveda, Rishi leads a variety of workshops within a range of topics.



Planning a Workshop

Self-motivated and professional yoga instructors are usually interested in taking the lead in planning and hosting their own events. If you’re fortunate enough to have that type of instructor on your payroll, you only need to create an atmosphere that encourages that initiative and supports them during the process.


However, if you have new instructors, or instructors that teach while enjoying another full-time career, you might need to be more involved in the process. If that’s the case, here is a quick rundown of the planning to get you going.



The first key to success is creating a workshop or event around a great topic or experience. To start, you probably don’t want to host a workshop that’s like something you already offer as a recurring class.


Restorative yoga, partner yoga, pranayama and meditation, adaptive yoga, Ayurveda, and Thai Yoga are just some topics that would work well for workshops.

Why Host Rishi for; Workshops, Trainings or Talks?

You’ve got a full class schedule, great teachers, and a growing student community. These things are critical for running a successful studio. Without any of them, your business would be in trouble. But if you don’t leverage the power of yoga workshops and other special events, you could be missing out on a chance to take your studio to the next level.


Why would you want to take on the extra work when you already have a full schedule of classes? To start, workshops deepen your students’ practice and yoga knowledge, making them more dedicated and loyal community members. The more opportunities you offer your students for growth, the more they will love yoga and your studio.


Of course, another key reason to host workshops is that they bring in additional revenue – for you and your teachers. Workshops are an upsell beyond regular studio classes, and their cost is normally at least twice the cost of a regular drop-in class. That makes well-attended workshops far more profitable than a regularly-scheduled class.


Time, Date, & Location

Like you would with any class, think about the students you want to attract and when they would likely be able to attend your workshop. It’s impossible to expect one-time block to be perfect for everybody. So just be as thoughtful as you can when scheduling your workshop’s time and date. The rest is up to the students.


You’re likely going to hold workshops at your studio, but don’t limit yourself to that space. For instance, if you have a body of water in your area, a stand-up paddle board workshop or ongoing series would be a great offering. Likewise, a workshop in the wine country would also be well received. So don’t be confined to your studio when brainstorming workshops.


To book a Rishi workshop, please contact us for more information and availability.

We also have an arrangement with a number of hotels in the vicinity to ensure that you have the most amazing deal.

Sampling of Training, CEUs, Workshops & Talks Rishi Offers

Ayurveda &
Yoga Teacher


  • Ayurveda Lifestyle Program
  • 20 & 50hr Ayurveda Practitioner Training
  • 200hr Ayurveda Yoga Teacher Training
  • 500hr Ayurveda Yoga Teacher Training
  • 750hr Ayurveda Yoga Teacher Training

Massage Therapy
CEU Trainings



  • Ayurveda Bodywork
  • Thai Massage
  • Deep Tissue, Neuro, & Fascial Release
  • Maridian Massage

Workshops &



  • For the CrossFit Athlete
  • For the Jiu-Jitsu Athlete
  • For the Endurance Athlete/Runner
  • Yin Yoga and Chocolate
  • Arm Balance: Floor Series
  • Yoga for Spinal Health
  • Beginning Inversions
  • Assisting & Adjusting
  • Yoga for Core

Mindset &



  • Yoga for Veterans
  • Based Upon Rishi’s book, “Marine on the Mat”
  • Marketing for the Yoga Teacher
  • Rituals for Healing the Money Wound

Yoga Workshops
for Your Students Needs

Yoga has been one of the best form of exercise and proven to be really helpful in terms of improving your physical and mental health. And for those individuals who very much focused in maintaining their overall health, yet doesn’t want to take rigorous training inside the gym Yoga workshop is one of the best solutions at hand. This is to help you attain a good health, but without giving your body so much pressures and strains that is typical when you work out using an equipment-based exercise.

Due to the popularity of Yoga, more and more people are getting fond of visiting Yoga Studios on regular basis due to the benefits that it offers. In fact, the Yoga practice has hit the highest account for 51% industry revenue in way back in 2014. According to certain Yoga Journal (‘Yoga in America’), statistics have shown that 20.4 million individuals in America has attested to have enrolled in Yoga Class in 2012 up from 15.8 million back in 2008.

  • Rishi has over 2,000 hours of formal YTT
  • Is an Ayurveda Educator & Practitioner
  • Is a National Certified Bodyworker
  • Has delivered many workshop themes
  • Can customize a theme to work with your studio culture & student base
  • Has a marketing support team